A Word processor is a programme that provides for input, editing, data format, and yield of text. Information technology includes some additional features so much as creating, redaction, saving, and printing process documents.

Following is a handpicked list of Top Word processing system, with their popular features and internet site links. The inclination contains both wide-open source (free) and commercial (paid) software system.

Free Word processing system for Windows, Macintosh & Linux: Top Picks

Name Platform Link
Microsoft Word of God Windows, Mackintosh, Android, iOS Take To a greater extent
Google Dr. Net, iOS, and Android, and Mac Learn More
Writer Web, iOS, and Android Learn More
Grammarly Web and browser extension Learn More
Prowritingaid Windows, Mac, and Web Learn More
MarketMuse Web Learn More

1) Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a composition app that helps you to transform documents into web pages. It offers a real-time translation adeptness with just one tap. This program enables you to read and edit documents attached to the email.


  • IT provides templates for resumes and forms.
  • You can read documents, PDF, letters, and scripts on your mobile device.
  • IT enables you to save a document as a PDF filing cabinet.
  • Share your file with others with a few taps.
  • Support redaction with copious formatting.
  • Manage permission for documents
  • You can comment in the documents.
  • Supported platform: Humanoid, Mac, iOS, and Windows.

2) Google Doc

Google Doc is an online application that helps you to data format text and paragraphs. It contains many fonts and images. This word processing software creature offers templates for writing documents. You can use up the application to create and make changes in files anywhere at any meter.


  • You fundament access it from a Speech sound, tablet, or computing device.
  • You can make changes in the document in time period.
  • Information technology offers chat and comment in the file.
  • Convert Google Doc file to Word file cabinet or contrariwise.
  • You can search quotes, text, and images in the Google Doc Android app.
  • Based on platforms: Vane, iOS, and Android, and Mac.

Linkup: http://docs.google.com/

3) Author

Author is a word processor that enables you to create documents free of charge. This tool offers legibility, contextual grammar, and mode suggestions. It allows you to incorporate with Blogger pages or WordPress.


  • Allows you to collaborate with team in real clock.
  • IT helps you to review and document approval easily.
  • You can keep open the written document as PDF and MS Word.
  • This tool helps you to manage your work flow.
  • Enables you to merge documents put together.

4) Grammarly

Grammarly is a wide victimised writing enhancement tool. It offers numerous writing styles, suggestions for grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. You can use this tool via the website, as a browser elongation, or as an app that you download to your computer.


  • IT helps enhance your writing skills by highlighting grammatical mistakes and areas of improvement.
  • It works with every type of internet site with ease.
  • Detect contextual mistakes.
  • Genre-specific suggestion abilities.
  • Information technology offers a usable noesis base for grammar learning.
  • Helps writer to boost their writing style.
  • Make schoolbook corrections across several websites and platforms.
  • Supported platforms: Web and browser extension.

5) Prowritingaid

Prowritingaid is a tool that offers first grammar and style checking facility. IT helps you to edit documents quicker. This software includes much than 1000s of style to improve your writing.


  • It enables you to fix the genre issue.
  • Prowritingaid shows spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • It has word explorer facilities to find the right word.
  • This tool offers a consistent report to reduce mistakes.
  • Supported Political platform: Mac, Web, and Windows.

6) MarketMuse

MarketMuse is AI-powered platform that enables you to make content strategies and helps you to analyze numerous articles on postulate. It can helps you to keyword research for your content.


  • It offers a real-clip schoolbook editor program.
  • This application can assistant you to determine FAQs.
  • MarketMuse allows you to generate the starting time draft and placid brief.
  • You can optimize content by entering URL or entitle.
  • Supported platform: Web.

7) Calmlywriter

Calmlywriter is slaveless committal to writing software. The design of this program is minimal. This online application is design to avail you to revolve about your writing skills. It has a "direction mode" pick that can highlight the paragraph you are penning.


  • You hindquarters get the support of full-screen modality.
  • IT is sword-shaped to use.
  • You can happening or off typewriter sound.
  • Supports syntax to format headers, bold, italics, arsenic well as bullets.
  • It allows you to use keyboard shortcuts.
  • Spell check via a browser.
  • It provides a word counter.
  • You can exportation to PDF file.
  • Fostered platforms: Web and browser extension.

Unite: https://www.calmlywriter.com/online/

8) Ginger software

Ginger is one of the oldest composition enhancement creature. It is one of the second-best unfreeze word processor that testament help you to correct text as you type, picking up many an common grammatical errors like punctuation, sentence structuring, subject-verb concord, genre, and wording. Asunder from the usual grammar, the checker offers a set of unique little features in it like text reviewer, translator, flight simulator, etc.


  • Ginger software is healed efficient Grammarly checker tool to discover misspelled words.
  • It helps you correct all errors instantly and allows you to loosen all changes with just one come home.
  • This program allows you to do the shift between US and U.K. European country languages.
  • Ginger punctuation checker helps you to check punctuation mistakes in your content.
  • You can add your words to the personal dictionary to consider them as errors in the future.
  • Identify text file errors and correct them.
  • Spelling and grammar mark.
  • Help amend users' English writing skills.
  • Supported political program: Windows, iOS, Macintosh, and browser extension.

Associate: https://www.gingersoftware.com/

9) JotterPad – Writer, Screenplay, Novel

JotterPad is an Android application that is designed especially for writers. It has a plain text edition editor helping you to write books, poems, novels, essays, etc. The tool enables you to focus on converting your thoughts into a plain text file away.


  • You can rapidly search for phrases.
  • IT supports Markdown (Text to HTML transition tool).
  • It allows you to count words.
  • This tool helps you to control the version of the document.
  • Write or redact the textbook in the dapple.
  • Publish or write your work to PDF.
  • IT has a assembled-in dictionary to search for words.
  • Supported platform: Android.

Link: https://romp.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jotterpad.x&hl=en_IN

10) Evernote Web

Evernote is an application designed for writing notes. This free word processing software helps you conquer and prioritize your ideas, to-do lists, and projects across more than one computing device.


  • You can move operating room remove the section of the page.
  • It allows you to change the design of the paper.
  • Erase unwished-for strokes or marks.
  • Enables you to high spot the colourise of the text.
  • You can copy, cut, or paste selected shapes or strokes.
  • Supported platform: Windows, iOS, Android, and Mac.

Link: https://assistant.evernote.com/hc/nut-USA/articles/209122047-Start-writing

11) Copyist

Scrivener is an ideal app design for writers. IT provides a management system for documents and metadata. This app helps you to organize and research the document for easy get at.


  • IT highlights the phrases that you need to ferment.
  • You can add comments and annotations.
  • This software allows you to indent block quota.
  • Make heading spacious and foolhardy.
  • You can import plain text files, and Password documents, PDF documents, and more.
  • Supported Platform: Windows, iOS, and Mac.

Link: https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener/overview

12) Clear

Clear is a word processing system that helps you to examine the readability, grammar, and spelling of your text. Information technology supports integration with API into your content management software. You can paste your text into this tool, and information technology will give you flash analysis. Information technology also recommends improvement.


  • It can analyze the quality of the text.
  • This free word processing system tool can check the density of the keyword.
  • The application gives readability alerts.
  • It provides team management facility.
  • Legible allows you to share text, file out scores, and websites.
  • Supported platform: WWW.

Link: https://readable.com/

13) Dragon Naturally Speaking

Draco Naturally Tongued is software for voice communication recognition. This practical application allows you to spill, and your words will appear connected the screen. It helps you to make documents without using a keyboard.


  • It allows you to control your PC away voice with accuracy and speed up.
  • This tool is faster than typing schoolbook with a keyboard.
  • It posterior be victimised by students, enterprise users, and professionals.
  • Supported program: Windows, Android, and iOS.

Link: https://www.nuance.com/flying lizard.html

14) Grammarly Keyboard

The Grammarly Keyboard is an diligence that helps you write text without whatsoever mistakes. It provides numerous checks and features. This instrument helps you to write emails, LinkedIn messages, and Facebook posts correctly using the cell.


  • Information technology has a contextual spelling checker.
  • This creature can discipline the immoral punctuation.
  • It helps you to heighten your vocabulary.
  • This app can improve your writing skills.
  • Users can see curtal explanations for all discipline.
  • Supported platform: Android and iOS.

Link: https://play.google.com/depot/apps/details?ID=com.grammarly.android.keyboard

15) Scribus

Scribus is a free and open-source desktop publishing software. It is specially designed for typesetting, layout, and presentation of files. This app give notice also make over PDFs and forms.


  • It offers a user-friendly user interface.
  • Support publishing features like color direction and PDF creation.
  • You can draw vector drawings.
  • This application Supports documentation foundation tools wish LaText, Lilypond, etc.
  • You can import or exportation a huge number of files to Scribus.
  • Suspended Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, PC-BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Haiku.

Link: https://www.scribus.take-home/

16) Muster in

A draft is a creature that helps you to write a draft plainly and easily. It is one of the best word processing programs that enables you to manipulate the version of the documents. This software allows you to import documents from a wide range of befog services.


  • E-mail your physician into the order of payment.
  • It can assist you with arrangement.
  • Support Markdown.
  • You can percentage your document with others.
  • Information technology allows you to comment on your authorship.
  • Supported platform: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Unite: https://draftin.com/

17) IA Writer: The Markdown Writing App

iA writer creates a make clean and easy to use writing environs. It helps you to edit your school tex file in any app you equal. This app has a focus fashion that allows you to stay in the rate of flow.


  • It can highlight the phrase structure.
  • This tool can search the document.
  • Support customization of the template.
  • IT supports machine-driven table alignment.
  • The app offers two modes light and dark mode.
  • IT helps you to write a phrase and a sentence.
  • Supported platform: Macintosh, Mechanical man, iOS, and Windows.

Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?I.D.=net.ia.iawriter.x

18) Monospace – Authorship and Notes

Monospace is a writing app. This program supports features like bold, italics, bullet, and Sir Thomas More data format styles. IT has a built-in sync feature that helps you keep the in style version of your note.


  • Export document via Markdown.
  • Replicate and paste support for Tumblr and WordPress.
  • You can integrate this tool with Dropbox.
  • Support hashtag to unionise Commerce Department.
  • It offers user-amicable touch UI.
  • Supported program: Web, iOS, Android, Mackintosh, Windows, and Browser extension.

Link: https://chromium-plate.Google.com/webstore/detail/monospace/bbnamngadlgkebhmlnkdnceaadpjknlb?hl=nut

19) Writer Summation (Pen On the Go)

Author Plus (Pen Active) is a writer app. This puppet helps you to compose notes, poems, novels, and essays on tablets or phones. Information technology supports many languages, including English, Russian, European country, Chinese, and French.


  • It enables you to open, make changes, and redeem a text edition file.
  • This tool provides keyboard shortcuts.
  • Provide support of Markdown format
  • It utilizes a noncomprehensive system resource.
  • Author Plus enables you to use H3, H3, H4, italic & bold, list, numbered leaning, and more.
  • Supported weapons platform: iOS, Android, Mac, OS X, and Windows.

Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?ID=carbon monoxide.easy4u.author

20) iA Writer

Iowa Author is a text editor that gives users a clean, simple, and distraction-free writing know. This tool can be put-upon devices equivalent smartphones, tablets, and more.


  • Supports keyboard shortcuts.
  • It can highlight the current sentence and word you are typewriting.
  • You can connect to fog services like Google Campaign and Dropbox.
  • It has easy to use composition interface.
  • Supported platform: Mac and Windows.

Link: https://Iowa.net/writer

21) Focuswriter

FocusWriter is a writing tool that enables you to get at the interface by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. The software helps you to translate into more than 20 languages. You can correct spelling effortlessly.

Feature film:

  • RTF, TXT, and ODT file support.
  • Timers and alarms.
  • Daily goals.
  • It offers fully customizable themes.
  • Focuswriter offers typewriter sound effects.
  • It provides live statistics of correction and improvements.
  • Open multi-text file.
  • Supported platform: Macintosh and Windows.

Associate: https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/

22) Committal to writing Challenge

Committal to writing challenge is a tool around that provides an easy way to improve writing. You can write stories stepwise. IT helps you speed up your writing by adjusting the timekeeper.


  • This instrument helps you to give creative ideas.
  • It provides many combinations to start your stories.
  • This software offers an option to suggest in your account.
  • Supported platform: Android, Mac, and iOS.

Link: https://www.writingchallengeapp.com/

23) Novelist – Write your novels

Novelist is the app that can be utilized to write novels. It is free software that allows you to backing and restore documents with Google Drive. This computer software offers a book prevue adroitness. The tool has a rich copyreader that saves your document mechanically.


  • Write anything using any browser.
  • It has templates that help you to write a ledger.
  • Book compilation in EPUB (e-book file data format), Hypertext mark-up language format.
  • You can insert comments in your book.
  • IT allows you to see and restore early versions of the textual matter.
  • This applications programme offers a comfortable Nox fashion that enables you to focal point on authorship.
  • Supported platform: Android.

Connexion: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.returntrue.novelist

24) Pure Writer

Pure Writer is a simple text software program that is designed to have a good user experience. This tool helps you to recover accidentally removed documents. It saves the article if the happy is changed.


  • Check if the clause is saved in the database operating theater not.
  • Offers history records and untie and redo features.
  • Integrate this tool with WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning).
  • It this software fails to autosave the file, you won't be able to exit the editor in chief without saving it.
  • Supported political program: Mac, Windows, and Android.

Link: https://roleplay.google.com/store/apps/details?Idaho=com.drakeet.purewriter&adenylic acid;hl=en_IN

25) Write Room

Spell Board is an diligence that helps you to pen without distraction. This tool offers a full-screen out writing mode. It helps you to focus on your writing.


  • You can handle large document information quickly.
  • It offers live recitation time and discussion count.
  • You seat select sentences, words, and paragraphs using a command.
  • Information technology automatically log activity to a spreadsheet.
  • The application provides themes to keep switch and save settings.
  • This tool enables you to select theme textures, background images, and typing sounds.
  • Supported platform: Mac and iOS.

Link: https://apps.orchard apple tree.com/US/app/writeroom

26) Ulysses (for Mac)

Ulysses is a tool that helps you to manage you'atomic number 75 your projects. Information technology enables you to work anywhere, anytime. This tool helps you to transform the text into a PDF file. You buttocks export text lodge HTML for use on the web.


  • This software offers a clean and distraction-free environment.
  • It helps you to enhance plaintext.
  • Ulysses has a hierarchic aggroup that enables you to organize your written material send off.
  • Collaboration, for representative, with your colleague using Dropbox.
  • Export text single file to Markdown, HTML, or rich text.
  • Publish stories to Medium and WordPress.
  • Provides hot preview to see how your output signal volition seem like.
  • It has many styles and themes.
  • Supported platform: Mac and iOS.

Connect: https://ulysses.app/

27) Markor: Markdown Editor – todo.txt – Notes Offline

Markor is a Holy Writ mainframe tool, which helps you to make over notes. You can use this tool offline. It is harmonious with other text editing tools wish notepad. This tool can be used to convert text to PDF or a zero Indian file.


  • Supports formats like Markdown and todo.txt.
  • You can customise the theme the way you want.
  • It provides an autosave option.
  • You can simulate text to the clipboard.
  • This tool enables you to create notes effortlessly.
  • It does not contain advertisements or some permission.
  • Dependent platform: Android.

Connection: https://bring off.google.com/store/apps/inside information?Idaho=net.gsantner.markor

28) Byword

Byword is a authorship app that has tools for writing Markdown and rich text format files. It has a word check and counter feature article. This program supports VoiceOver API. You can utilisation this software to capture ideas and notes that are available in all the devices.


  • IT helps you to make writing easier.
  • This tool john Sync text files crosswise all the devices, including Mac, iPhone, iPad.
  • You bathroom exportation texts file to HTML and PDF documents.
  • Publish to Blogger, Medium, Evernote, Tumblr, WordPress, and many more.
  • Supported platform:Mac and iOS.

Link: https://apps.apple.com/the States/app/adage/id420212497

29) Diaroapp

Diaroapp is a user-friendly interface that helps you to organize your writing handily. This tool enables you to find records and separate out away tags, date, and positioning. You can apply IT to sync the file with DropBox.


  • It is available in 30+ languages.
  • You can easily manage documents on a tablet, PC, tablet, and smartphone.
  • This software enables you to write your innovative ideas.
  • Users potty access this app from any entanglement browser.
  • It helps you to record important stuff.
  • Supported platform: Android, iPhone, and Amazon.

Link: https://diaroapp.com/


❓ What are Word Processor Software?

Word Process Computer software are applications that help you to write and manage stories, emails, ideas, social media posts, articles, and more.

🏅 Wherefore employment Word processing system Software system?

Word Process Software are used because:

  • They help you to make penning easier.
  • Information technology offers numerous writing styles, suggestions for grammar, vocabulary, syntax.
  • Applications distinguish document errors and correct them.

⚡ What are the general features of Tidings Processor Software?

Here are the best features of Word Action Software:

  • Word Processor Software solves grammatical errors like punctuation, sentence structuring, subject-verb arrangement, writing style, and phraseology.
  • Export document to Markdown, HTML, or well-off text.
  • IT helps you to make composition easier.

💻 Which are the Best Word processing system Software?

Here is a lean of more or less of the top-quality word CPU software:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Doctor
  • Writer
  • Grammarly
  • ProWritingAid
  • Ginger Software
  • Evernote Web
  • Tartar Naturally Speaking

a word processing program would be an example of

Source: https://www.guru99.com/best-free-word-processor.html